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Build to parent folder with HTML5 Boilerplate Build Script

When i try to build to the parent folder with HTML5 Boilerplate build script i get this message:

Your dir.publish folder is set to ../ which could delete your entire site or worse.

Firstly, the build script doesn't delete any files, it just replaces them right? Secondly, "or worse"? It's not like I'm googling google or mixing nitroglycerin here :(

Is there a work around?

EDIT: I deleted this line in build.xml:

<equals arg1="${dir.publish}" arg2="../"/>

It works fine but i feel a bit dirty. Should i?


  • As stated in the edit. I funked around in the build.xml and deleted this line:

    <equals arg1="${dir.publish}" arg2="../"/>

    I haven't had any problems yet but use with caution.