I am making a Minecraft Classic server in Python. However, I get the following error in my code:
Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method Heartbeat.start of <__main__.Heartbeat object at 0x01FC3810>>
Here is my heartbeat code:
import httplib
import time
import thread
def heartbeat(salt = 'wo6kVAHjxoJcInKx', name = 'ElijahCraft', public = 'True', users = '0', maximum = '2', port = '25565'):
listen = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.minecraft.net')
listen.request('GET', '/heartbeat.jsp?port=' + port + '&max=' + maximum + '&name=' + name + '&public=' + public + '&version=7&salt=' + salt + '&users=' + users)
url = listen.getresponse()
return url.read()
class Heartbeat(object):
def start(self, salt, name, public, users, maximum, port):
print 'Server URL:', heartbeat(salt, name, public, users, maximum, port)
self.users = users
while not done:
heartbeat(salt, name, public, self.users, maximum, port)
def __init__(self, salt = 'wo6kVAHjxoJcInKx', name = 'ElijahCraft', public = 'True', users = '0', maximum = '2', port = '25565'):
self.done = False
thread.start_new_thread(self.start, (salt, name, public, users, maximum, port))
if __name__ == '__main__':
heart = Heartbeat()
How do I get the full Traceback?
Wrap your code with try/except
import traceback
import sys
a = 1 /0
except Exception, inst:
exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
print str(inst) + "\n" + str(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)).replace('\\n', '\n')