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How to create a simple vote by ajax in CakePHP 2.0

I am just trying to create a simple vote with CakePHP 2.0 and Ajax. I am a newbie in this framework so i find it really difficult...

I just want to create a link with a vote action which will call an action in a controller to update the field "numberVotes" in a table of the Database.

I am trying it but i dont know if i am doing it well. I have this now:

//posts/view.ctp $this->Html->script('votar', array('inline' => false)); //it loads it on the layout

echo '<div id=\'vote\'>';
    echo $this->element('vote', array('id' => $post['Post']['id']));
echo '</div>'


echo "You have voted!!!";   
echo '<a href="#" onclick="votar(\''.$id.'\');return false;">Vote here!!</a>


//XMLHttpRequest  Ajax
function newAjax()
var xmlhttp=false; 
    xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); 
        xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
    catch(E) { xmlhttp=false; }
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();     } 
return xmlhttp; 

function voting(num) {
var url;
var obCon = document.getElementById('vote');
var ajax = newAjax();

url = 'http://localhost:8888/mysite/posts/voting/' + num;
alert(url);"GET", url);  


        }else if(ajax.status==404){
            obCon.innerHTML = "Page not found";
            obCon.innerHTML = "Error:"+ajax.status; 



public function voting($id = null){
            ... //stuff to add the vote in the DB
    $this->set(array('id' => $id, 'voting' => 'yes'));
    $this->render('/Elements/vote', false);

I am sure i am not using the power of CakePHP for ajax... but i dont know where i can apply it or how to do it. Any suggestion?



  • It's not entirely clear to me how exactly you want this voting system set up, but here are some examples to get you headed in the right direction:

    Use CakePHP's JS helper to setup the whole AJAX request.

    We'll bind the AJAX request to the click event of a link with the id 'link-id'. This request will make its way through to your controller like a normal request, but will (well, it should) use Cake's default AJAX layout meaning that the result of the request should be just a hunk of html that we will use to replace everything in the #content div.

    This goes in the view file:

            array('action' => 'vote', $post_id), //this is effectively (if the post_id is 1)
            array('async' => true, 'update' => '#content')

    Your controller should then look something like this:

    function vote($id) {
        //update your number in the database
        if(/* the update was a success */){
            $this->set('message', 'Thank you for voting!');
        } else {
            $this->set('message', 'Try again.');
        //then in vote.ctp, echo $message somewhere
        //the result of vote.ctp will replace #content on your page