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Why is the type of this function (a -> a) -> a?

Why is the type of this function (a -> a) -> a?

Prelude> let y f = f (y f)
Prelude> :t y
y :: (t -> t) -> t

Shouldn't it be an infinite/recursive type? I was going to try and put into words what I think it's type should be, but I just can't do it for some reason.

y :: (t -> t) -> ?WTFIsGoingOnOnTheRHS?

I don't get how f (y f) resolves to a value. The following makes a little more sense to me:

Prelude> let y f x = f (y f) x
Prelude> :t y
y :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b

But it's still ridiculously confusing. What's going on?


  • Well, y has to be of type (a -> b) -> c, for some a, b and c we don't know yet; after all, it takes a function, f, and applies it to an argument, so it must be a function taking a function.

    Since y f = f x (again, for some x), we know that the return type of y must be the return type of f itself. So, we can refine the type of y a bit: it must be (a -> b) -> b for some a and b we don't know yet.

    To figure out what a is, we just have to look at the type of the value passed to f. It's y f, which is the expression we're trying to figure out the type of right now. We're saying that the type of y is (a -> b) -> b (for some a, b, etc.), so we can say that this application of y f must be of type b itself.

    So, the type of the argument to f is b. Put it all back together, and we get (b -> b) -> b — which is, of course, the same thing as (a -> a) -> a.

    Here's a more intuitive, but less precise view of things: we're saying that y f = f (y f), which we can expand to the equivalent y f = f (f (y f)), y f = f (f (f (y f))), and so on. So, we know that we can always apply another f around the whole thing, and since the "whole thing" in question is the result of applying f to an argument, f has to have the type a -> a; and since we just concluded that the whole thing is the result of applying f to an argument, the return type of y must be that of f itself — coming together, again, as (a -> a) -> a.