I'm just learning git and its basic fundamentals. I've got a live Magento store running and need to version control it asap. I've got git loaded on my work machine and have played around with setting up repositories, adding, committing and pushing files. I've tested my setup with Assembla and a free account (for now) and all is good.
I am still having trouble going about the physical changes though. I want to achieve the following (I think!):
So there's several important questions I need help with here.
Some helpful background for our store/project:
I would be thrilled if someone could point out a guided tutorial or similar for people like me who did everything backwards and now don't have the time to learn git one step at a time.
What's the process of sending a repo to a live site?
Git does not have a facility for this built in. You'll want to write a script that periodically (say, every five minutes) or on demand pulls some branch from your central repo. (I'm assuming you have a Git server somewhere that functions as such.)
You can do the same thing for the production environment, by having the staging server pull, say, master
, and having the production server pull the branch production