I am getting error "no more tables permitted in this cluster" when trying to create a clustered table.
Oracle's documentation about the cluster feature says:
A cluster can contain a maximum of 32 tables.
But at the time of the error, the cluster contains only 18 tables as per following query:
select * from user_tables where cluster_name='MY_CLUSTER';
I suspect that the tables that were once part of the cluster but were later dropped are still being counted towards that maximum allowed limit.
Is there a way to check the above hypothesis?
Check the view USER_CLU_COLUMNS
. If you've dropped a table it may still be listed here but with an internal name not its original.
select count(distinct (TABLE_NAME))
This may be because your database has a recycle bin. Check this:
select *
where ORIGINAL_NAME = '<your table>';
Check this link out for more information on the recycle bin.