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Dynatree - How To Transform The json Coming From Server?

I'm looking for some help with dynatree plugin.

I need to transform the json coming from the server to make it dynatree compatible (I'm not allowed to do it on the server side),

This below apparently doesn't work:

                    initAjax: { 
                            url: '/admin/tenant/jsontree', 
                            data: { 
                                    tenantId: 1 
                            success: function(data) { 
                                    // do modifications to the data returned from server 
                                   // and return formatted data 

And I couldn't find a callback for it in the documentation. So my question is: is it possible to do that initial transformation with some callbacks or should I be looking for some other plugins?

Thank you in advance


  • Have a look at 'Loading custom formats' in the docs:

    basically you can pass the standard $.ajax() options to initAjax(), such as dataFilter. (There is also a - yet undocumented - postProcess callback option.)