I am getting this annoying warning
Apple Mach-O Linker Warning Alignment lost in merging tentative definition _searchFlag
i have declared the search flag in the constant.h file like this
BOOL searchFlag
I am stuck up on this issue from the past 2 days and i have tried all the possible solutions from google but none of them seems to be working.
My app supports both armv6 and v7 arch for which i have added the settings but this dosent seems to be the problem, its just this bool flag that is biting my head since 2 days.
Please help me out on this Thanks
Globals in headers are bad juju in ObjC; I'm not making a judgement on the use of globals (as they truly are sometimes necessary), but I would go about declaring them in a different way.
The cleanest and easiest method I can think of (and my preferred method), is to create a new class that implements accessors for your globals as class methods, and declares the variables themselves as static variables in the source file.
@interface MyGlobal : Object
+ (BOOL)searchFlag;
+ (void)setSearchFlag:(BOOL)aFlag;
#import "myglobal.h"
// Static variables
static BOOL _searchFlag = NO;
@implementation MyGlobal
+ (BOOL)searchFlag
return _searchFlag;
+ (void)setSearchFlag:(BOOL)aFlag
_searchFlag = aFlag;
Using this method, accessing globals is as easy as [MyGlobal searchFlag]
or [MyGlobal setSearchFlag: YES]