I have a MVC app built with extJS 4. I want to disable a docked button in a grid panel from a controller Here is my grid panel view:
Ext.define('SDI.view.MissionsGridPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.missionsGridPanel',
width: 688,
title: 'Missions',
store: 'MissionsStore',
text:'Delete mission',,
icon: '/images/delete.png',
itemId: 'removeMissionButton',
disabled: true,
action :'delete'
Here is my controller :
Ext.define('SDI.controller.MissionsController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['SDI.view.MissionsGridPanel'],
refs: [
selector:'missionsGridPanel button[action=delete]',
init: function() {
'missionsGridPanel': {
selectionchange: this.onMissionSelect
onMissionSelect: function(pTarget,pRecord,pOptions){
console.log("Mission is selected")
I don't understand why this doesn't work. "Mission is selected" is logged but the button remains disabled.
Here is how to troubleshoot this -
Go to the Firebug console, type this:
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('missionsGridPanel button[action=delete]')
and see if anything is being returned. I would recommend installing Illuminations for Developers firebug plugin to further help you figure out whats what on your page.