I am using the devise gem for authentication and have the following before_filter in my ApplicationController:
before_filter :require_login
def require_login
unless user_signed_in? || params[:controller] == 'devise/sessions'
flash[:error] = "You must be logged in to access that page."
redirect_to new_user_session_path
I have recently implemented the ActiveAdmin gem and am trying to get skip_before_filter to work for ActiveAdmin, so that I can access ActiveAdmin. I have attempted the methods outlined in this post, adding the following to config/initializers/active_admin.rb:
config.skip_before_filter :require_login
and also adding the following to one of my admin model files, listing.rb:
ActiveAdmin.register Listing do
controller do
skip_before_filter :require_login
but it doesn't seem to work, even after restarting the server and browser.
What am I doing wrong?
So two things:
First: I think you're using Devise inefficiently. Instead of a custom login method on application_controller, you should:
class ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
That's it -- everything else works.
Second: Active Admin uses a different user class -- the "admin_user" (rather than "user"). By default, you'll use the following credentials:
email: admin@example.com
password: password