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How would I count the number of digits to the right of the decimal in a floating point column?

I have table with Latitudes and Longitudes that are stored as floating points. How would I count the number of digits to the right of the decimal in the Latitude column? The data would look something like this:

    DECLARE @MyData TABLE (ID, Latitude float, Longitude float)
    INSERT @MyData

    SELECT 'A', 33.11, -55.2235 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'B', 33.6407760431,-87.0002760543 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'C', 42.2997,-70.9081; 

and I would want this in

    ID    |   LatitudeNumberOfDigits
     A    |    2
     B    |   10
     C    |    4

I was trying to convert it to text and split it up using a . as a delimiter but the CONVERT did not work as anticipated. It rounded to four significant digits

    SELECT ID, Latitude, Longitude, 
    CONVERT(varchar(max),[Latitude]) AS LatText 
    FROM @MyData

Gave me

     ID Latitude    Longitude        LatText
     A  33.11           -55.2235         33.11
     B  33.6407760431   -87.0002760543   33.6408
     C  42.2997         -70.9081         42.2997

Thanks !


  • Try this (it assumes that your floats will have at most 10 decimal places, otherwise adjust the values in STR).

    WITH MyData (ID, Latitude, Longitude)
        SELECT 'A', CAST(33.11 AS FLOAT), CAST(-55.2235 AS FLOAT) UNION ALL
        SELECT 'B', 33.6407760431,-87.0002760543 UNION ALL
        SELECT 'C', 42.2997,-70.9081 
    SELECT ID, Latitude, Longitude, 
        LEN(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(STR([Latitude], 13, 11), CHARINDEX('.', STR([Latitude], 13, 11)) + 1, 20)) AS INT)) AS LatText  
    FROM MyData

    As others have note, however, FLOATs are likely to give you some headaches. Consider this for instance:

    SELECT STR(33.11, 20,17) -- result: 33.1099999999999990