I have an interface which looks something like:
interface IMyInterface {
MyObject DoStuff(MyObject o);
I want to write the implementation of this interface in IronRuby, and return the object for later use.
But when I try to do something like
var code = @"
class MyInterfaceImpl
include IMyInterface
def DoStuff(o)
# Do some stuff with o
return o
I get an error because it can't be cast to IMyInterface. Am I doing it wrong, or isn't it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
It isn't possible to implement a CLR interface in IronRuby and pass it back into CLR. 'MyInterfaceImpl' in your example is a Ruby class, not a CLR realization of 'IMyInterface'.
I stand corrected, per Jimmy Schementi's post.
You could however use IronRuby types as dynamic objects inside your .NET code:
var engine = Ruby.CreateRuntime().GetEngine("rb"); engine.Execute("/*your script goes here*/"); dynamic rubyScope = engine.Runtime.Globals; dynamic myImplInstance = rubyScope.MyInterfaceImpl.@new(); var input = //.. your parameter var myResult = myImplInstance.DoStuff(input );