I'm trying to make Spring automatically register my remote destinations by reading its annotations. So that I don't need to update some configuration file every time I create a new service.
I got it almost working after reading the graniteds-spring documentation:
But I still need to add a:
<graniteds:remote-destination name="myService" source="myService" />
to every service bean for it to work.
@RemoteDestination is present but is been ignored. The same goes for <granite-config scan="true">
and the empty services-config.properties.
Am I missing a jar? I can never get them right, never know which ones to use. (Java's greatest problem)
The question is old, but I'll leave an answer if anyone need that...
In addition to add @RemoteDestination annotation, you need:
add graniteDS listener on web.xml:
< listener>
< listener-class>org.granite.config.GraniteConfigListener< /listener-class>
< /listener>
Create this empty properties file: /META-INF/services-config.properties
This file needs to be on the project(jar) that you want to be scaned by graniteDS.