I am working on a module which directly updates the data of a set CCK taxonomy checkboxs via ajax.
Everything is working with the exception of the saving to database. Using the following code:
$data = array(
'vid' => $nid,
'nid' => $nid,
'field_grouping_value' => $tid
drupal_write_record('content_field_grouping', $data);
I get error messages which complain I am dublicating the value of the 'delta' field. My problem is the code is attempting to write my new data but the delta field is a joint key which does not auto-increament.
Ordinarily, I would just increment the delta field but Drupal handles it so dynamically I'm worried I will do more harm than good:
If nid 3 had another field in the above image, it's delta field will have a value of 2. I then delete the field with nid of 3 and delta of 0. Instead of being left with the delta field of values 1 and 2, everything gets reset to 0 and 1
Just so I don't damage my site, I wonder if anyone can advice how I can resolve this issue and get Drupal to dynamically deal with the delta field ..... or is it unnecessary ????
You'll be perfectly safe just using the next available delta, CCK re-does these every time a node with that field is edited and saved anyway (which is why you're seeing the adjustments when you remove fields). Something like this should work:
$next_delta = db_result(db_query('SELECT MAX(delta) + 1 AS del FROM {content_field_grouping} WHERE vid = %d AND nid = %d', $nid, $nid));
$data = array(
'vid' => $nid,
'nid' => $nid,
'field_grouping_value' => $tid,
'delta' => $next_delta
drupal_write_record('content_field_grouping', $data);