I'm curious as to what sort of standards other teams make sure is in place before code ships (or deploys) out the door in major releases.
I'm not looking for specific answers to each, but here's an idea of what I'm trying to get an idea of.
Again, not looking for a line-by-line punchlist of answers to anything above, necessarily. In short, what non-coding items must a code release have completed before it's officially considered "done" for your team?
The minimun:
finally deploy on production stage
All unit and integration tests work automatically, best on a continuous integration server like CruiseControl done by ant or maven. When developing webservices, testing with soapui works fine.
If a database used, automatic upgrade is done (with liquibase for example) before deployment. When external services are used, addidional configuration tests are needed, to ensure URLs are ok (head request from application, database connect, wsdl get, ...). When developing webpps, a HTML validation on some pages will be usefull. A manual check of the layout (use browsershots for example) would be usefull.
(All example links for Java development)
And last (but not least): are all acceptance tests still passing? Is the product what the owner wants? Make a live review with him on the test system before going further!