My typical usage of uploadify [] follows the following pattern:
// to initialize
"uploader": ...,
"script": ...,
"auto": ...,
"folder": ...,
"multi": ...,
"onSelect": function(evt, id, fileobj) {
"onComplete": function(a, b, c) {
// If I need to change some setting
"script", ...
// finally fire up file upload
Now, by doing so, am presented with [Browse] functionality/feature wherein I can browse for the file that I will proceed to upload. Now, I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically inject the filename/filepath [say you have the actual path and filename and you dont want the user to have to browse for it].
I have looked at the API but can quite figure out if it should be possible.
You cannot control the path. Uploadify is built on top of flash. So what you are seeing is the Flash file dialogue. The flash documentation states:
The FileReference and FileReferenceList classes do not let you
set the default file location for the dialog box that the browse() or
download() methods generate