How to add decimal point (with two decimal places) to string, without converting string to decimal?
For example (Dim str1 as String), regardless str1 has value: 100 , 100.0 , 100.00, or 100.5 , 100.50... I'd like to get the output: 100.00 or 100.50, with two decimal places.
Public Function FormatNumber(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim pos As Integer = s.IndexOf("."c)
If pos = -1 Then ' No decimal point
Return s & ".00"
Return (s & "00").Substring(0, pos + 3)
End If
End Function
And since you inserted a C# tag:
public string FormatNumber(string s)
int pos = s.IndexOf('.');
if (pos == -1) { // No decimal point
return s + ".00";
} else {
return (s + "00").Substring(0, pos + 3);
However, note that superfluous decimals will be truncated - no rounding occurs!