In my project I am using oracle and entity framework together.Both of my machines my developer machine win7 and my server win2008r2 I installed oracle beta entity framework and .net 4.0 framework.
However my projects works on local machine and does not work on server giving the error :
the specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration or is not valid
SystemArgumentException unable to find the requested .net Framework data provider ...
Anyone can help me ?
in short: do not use ODAC .net drivers, instead use oracle client complete installation. modifying ODAC components may be a bit diffucilt. So install latest version of oracle client to all machines everything is well.
In my development machine oracle beta entity framework is configured as default client. -I dont know when/how it changed/ who changed -
In server default provider is still old .
After changing the default provider at server to oracle beta entity framework provider it changed.
Thanks again.