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AlarmManager adding alarm few times per second on specific devices

I have got a problem with alarmservice - it's set up to go off every hour and it works perfectly fine on my galaxy SII - however, on the wildfire and wildfire S the app hogs the whole system. After looking at logs, it seems that alarm is added and trigered a few times every second. I really don't understand why this is happening and more than that it bothers me, how could this problem be device specifc?

Here is what the log says:

V/AlarmManager( 103): Adding Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0} Jan 12 04:43:35 pm V/AlarmManager( 103): Alarm triggering: Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0} V/AlarmManager( 103): Adding Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0} Jan 12 04:43:35 pm V/AlarmManager( 103): Alarm triggering: Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0} V/AlarmManager( 103): Adding Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0} Jan 12 04:43:36 pm V/AlarmManager( 103): Alarm triggering: Alarm{44cf66f8 type 0}

Please help me regarding this.

Edit: here is the code setting the alarm

 public void setAlarm(int refreshRate) {
     Intent myIntent = new Intent(WeatheriaActivity.this, AlarmService.class);
     pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(WeatheriaActivity.this, 0,
             myIntent, 0);
     AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
     Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
     calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 10);
     alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.
             getTimeInMillis(), refreshRate, pendingIntent);


  • PendingIntent.getService() should be passed a flag for its last parameter, not 0. I'd try fixing that first.