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<UIPrerenderedIcon> in info.plist doesn't do anything

I'm trying to replace the Icon of an app I like and I did but iPhone (iPhone 4 32bg 4.0.1) keeps adding a black background and a gloss to my new icon!

I've edited 'info.plist' on user\application*app folder AND var\mobile\applications*app folder

and added = true

Take a look on this image :

alas, no change upon respringing!


  • I solved my problem.

    I erased the file : AppIconOverlay@2x~iphone.png

    That is located : System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileIcons.framework

    It was the way that i solved my problem , i think this can be a serious problem and it can be helpfull for the users.

    This is the link that my answer is based :

    I am running iOs 5.0.1 in my iPhone 4

    It took me a long time to solve this problem , almost one week , so i thing it will help a lot of people,

    Best Regards,

    Glauber Felix Majoring Computer Science at Federal University of Bahia