I want to implement an extention to android.net.TrafficStats
to measure the data traffic per APN or per APN per application. the methods prototype looks like:
getInterfaceTxPackets(String interface)
getInterfaceRxPackets(String interface)
getInterfaceTxBytes(String interface)
getInterfaceRxBytes(String interface)
getUidInterfaceTxPackets(int uid,String interface)
getUidInterfaceRxPackets(int uid,String interface)
getUidInterfaceTxBytes(int uid,String interface)
getUidInterfaceRxBytes(int uid,String interface)
I read the android.net.TrafficStats.java
, it call the native methods in android_net_TrafficStats.cpp
, and the native methods read the traffic statistics from some files:
the total traffic statistic files are in folder /sys/class/net/
, in this folder there are some sub folders like: eth0, ip6tnl0, rmnet0, rmnet1, rmnet2, rmnet3., the detailed statistic files are saved in these folders.
the per application traffic statistic files are in /proc/uid_stat/[uid]/
My questions:
Do the folder rmnet0, rmnet1, rmnet2, rmnet3..
. match each APN? If do, what's the match rule? if don't, how can I get each APN traffic statistic?
In folder /proc/uid_stat/[uid]/,
there are only two files: tcp_rcv
and tcp_snd
, how can I get each applicaton on each APN traffic stats?
Please switch over to Android 4.0, where for the data usage monitoring this has been beefed up. These APIs now sit on top of a much more complicated service that collects per-interface per-uid traffic information.
Note that there is no meaning associated with each of the interface names, so you can't just assume that a particular name you find on one device means the same thing on another.