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How to check whether virtualenv was created with '--no-site-packages'?

Sometimes I get errors that I suspect are the result of my Django app using globally installed Python modules/Django apps instead of those within its virtualenv.

Is there a way to check whether my app's virtualenv was created with '--no-site-packages' without having to delete it, then re-create it as follows?

rmvirtualenv my_env
mkvirtualenv my_env --no-site-packages
workon my_env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Surely there must be a better way! Thanks.


  • There's a file in <env>/lib/pythonX.X/ called no-global-site-packages.txt when you create a virtual environment with --no-site-packages.

    Just tried this with virtualenv 1.7:

    % virtualenv --no-site-packages env.without
    % virtualenv --system-site-packages env.with
    % find env.without | sed 's/env.without//' > files.without
    % find env.with | sed 's/env.with//' > files.with
    % diff files.with*
    > /lib/python3.2/no-global-site-packages.txt