Based on the GXT showcase example 'Paging BeanModel Grid' I try to reload the grid when I have done a modifiaction to my data source. I defined the loader like that:
final BasePagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>> loader =
new BasePagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>>(proxy, new BeanModelReader());
The data loads correctly.
When I do:
My paging toolbar just freezes and goes disabled, the grid freezes too and displays what appears to be a loading mask.
I tried to add some events to force a double reload without luck:
grid.addListener(Events.Attach, new Listener<GridEvent<ModelData>>() {
public void handleEvent(GridEvent<ModelData> be) {
I tried to use the reconfigure(store,cm) option as well and same result.
Any help?
Thanks, Jordi.
The loading bar grays out so you can see it is working, and the grid may also have a loading message. The code that is working is the server, probably preparing the items.
Set logging messages in your server code (RPC servlet probably), at the beginning and at the end of the call, to see how long they take to run. That is likely where the actual 'freeze' is actually happening, based on the info in your question.
There could be a pause in the browser after that time as well, but in that case the loading circle would stop moving.