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I can't close the last parenthesis and send my function to the REPL using lisp-mode in Slime

This is a very simple question. I have installed Emacs 22.2.1 (from the Ubuntu (9.04) repo and I downloaded Slime-current from the repo on their homepage.

I followed the instructions provided with slime and it works. I can start slime and use it as expected.

However, when I enter lisp-mode (M-x lisp-mode) I can no longer interact with the REPL. Nothing I type works, the cursor just moves to the next line when I press enter.

Does anyone have a fix for this?


Regarding the question of how I'm using Emacs. Yes, I start Emacs, then enter slime with M-x slime. I read that I could get proper syntax highlighting by next entering lisp mode with M-x lisp-mode.

It did provide syntax highlighting, but as pointed out below, it's meant for editing text files, not interacting with the REPL.

I also recently read that placing the following in my .emacs file will enable syntax highlighting (it did not work).

; Syntax Highlighting
(global-font-lock-mode 1)

; Enable slime
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/doug/Software/slime/")  ; your SLIME directory
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/home/doug/Software/ccl/ccl") ; your Lisp system
(require 'slime)

; Enable psvn
(require 'psvn)

So I guess my question needs revising. Since lisp-mode isn't meant to simply enable lisp features for slime, then how I enable syntax highlighting in slime?

Edit 2:

The answer was provided in a comment.

Start slime then open/create a new file to work with. This is the buffer where lisp-mode is intended to be used.

The function is written, highlighted, and sent to the REPL. The output appears at the bottom.

The two are supposed to cooperate, not integrate.


  • Moved out of comments: usually, you would not write big functions directly in the REPL buffer, but write them in another buffer and send them to the REPL via C-c C-c. The slime-repl-mode has its own highlighting, but with a different purpose: it shows input, output, and system messages in different colours (in my green-on-black setup, it shows input in green, system messages in red, and output in light blue).