I am trying to get the entire magento product collection, without any filters or restrictions, but I fail to get all products.
I've tried various methods already, but they all give me a very limited selection of products. Let's say the store contains 5000 products, but it only shows 500. When I check the catalog -> products is does show me the entire list.
All of them return the same amount (500), while I expect it to give me 5000 products. I would prefer not to use Zend or PHP and just stick to the Magento way to get them.
Does anyone know how to really get ALL products or can point me in the right direction why this isn't working?
The select-string that is returned is:
SELECT 1 AS `status`, `e`.`entity_id`, `e`.`type_id`, `e`.`attribute_set_id` FROM `catalog_product_flat_4` AS `e`
Several possibilities here: 1. Some inner limitation, like 500 at all. 2. Some paging limitation. Products per page(in db abstract) 3. Some lazyload limitation.
Perhaps, there is some over problem, but I think this is some inner limit.