We have a table which is of the form:
We need to transform this into.
Is there a clever way of doing this in one SELECT statement (i.e without UNIONs)? The column names Value1,Value2 and Value3 are fixed and constant.
The database is oracle 9i.
This works on Oracle 10g:
select id, 'Value' || n as name,
case n when 1 then value1 when 2 then value2 when 3 then value3 end as value
from (select rownum n
from (select 1 from dual connect by level <= 3)) ofs, t
I think Oracle 9i had recursive queries? Anyway, I'm pretty sure it has CASE support, so even if it doesn't have recursive queries, you can just do "(select 1 from dual union all select 2 from dual union all select 3 from dual) ofs" instead. Abusing recursive queries is a bit more general- for Oracle. (Using unions to generate rows is portable to other DBs, though)