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Single SQL SELECT Returning multiple rows from one table row

We have a table which is of the form:


We need to transform this into.


Is there a clever way of doing this in one SELECT statement (i.e without UNIONs)? The column names Value1,Value2 and Value3 are fixed and constant.

The database is oracle 9i.


  • This works on Oracle 10g:

    select id, 'Value' || n as name,
           case n when 1 then value1 when 2 then value2 when 3 then value3 end as value
    from (select rownum n
          from (select 1 from dual connect by level <= 3)) ofs, t

    I think Oracle 9i had recursive queries? Anyway, I'm pretty sure it has CASE support, so even if it doesn't have recursive queries, you can just do "(select 1 from dual union all select 2 from dual union all select 3 from dual) ofs" instead. Abusing recursive queries is a bit more general- for Oracle. (Using unions to generate rows is portable to other DBs, though)