I have been trying to use follow scroll to move dialog together with user scroll but no success
$(function() {
$( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" );
$( "#dialog-report-problem-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: true,
height: 550,
width: 700,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"<?= $this->translate('REPORT_PROBLEM'); ?>": function() {
"<?= $this->translate('CANCEL'); ?>": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
close: function() {
$.scrollFollow("#dialog-report-problem-form",{speed: 10});
<div id="dialog-report-problem-form" title="<?= $this->translate('REPORT_PROBLEM'); ?>">
<?= $this->form ?>
I have been receiving the error
box.cont.offset() is null
Does anyone knows how could fix or another jquery based solution to follow user scroll?
The plugin scrollFollow seems to be pretty buggy and development discontinued (last update in 2008)
, the default option values are not set so you get a lot of errors like the one you got.$(...).scrollFollow
, the main option container is not obtained correctly so it does not really work...Here is a small script that will move the dialog around when the window is scrolled:
(function(wnd, $) {
// query for elements once
var $dlg = $("#dialog-report-problem-form").parent(),
$wnd = $(wnd),
// get the initial position of dialog
initialTop = $dlg.offset().top - $wnd.scrollTop();
$wnd.scroll(function() {
// when qscrolling, animate the 'top' property
"top": ($wnd.scrollTop() + initialTop) + "px"
}, "slow");
.resize(function() {
// in case of resize, re-set the initial top position of the dialog
initialTop = $dlg.offset().top - $wnd.scrollTop();
// if you close/open the dialog, it will mess up the 'initialTop'
// this will re-set the correct 'initialTop' when the dialog opens again
$dlg.bind('dialogcreate dialogopen', function(e) {
initialTop = $dlg.offset().top - $wnd.scrollTop();
})(window, jQuery);
Working example on jsfiddle.