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adding id field to HTML end result of a GSP <g:form> tag

Im creating a GSP form that i wish to submit using the $.ajax() call.

I understand that the GSPs get rendered into the final HTML that is seen by the browser, and thus javascript can call normal HTML elements.

my form is created as such:

<g:form action="save" id="callmeForm" >
  <fieldset class="form">
    <g:render template="form"/>
  <fieldset class="buttons">
    <g:submitButton name="create" class="save" value="${message(code: 'default.button.create.label', default: 'Create')}" />

but when the final form is rendered in HTML, it lacks the id field i gave in the tag:

<form action="/racetrack/callback/save/callmeForm" method="post" >
  <fieldset class="form">

Is there a way I can get the id property to carry thru so i can reference the form by its id with javascript?


  • You can use name attribute which sets both the form tag's name and id attributes to the same value.