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Youtube API single-user scenario with OAuth (uploading videos)

This question has been already asked, but never answered.

I want to write some php scripts that would upload video to my own YouTube account. I have already registered the application and have the developer key, the customer key and the customer secret.

I don't need to allow any user to upload video to their own accounts, so I don't need to go through the full OAuth process; especially I don't need to redirect anybody anywhere: I only need my scripts to authenticate on MY behalf (not on anybody else's behalf).

I know I can use ClientLogin authentication, but I've read on the YouTube API documentation site that it is "not recommended for new development" and I'm afraid this means that support for it will be discontinued in a near future. So I'd prefer to use OAuth.

The Twitter API, which also uses OAuth, provides a simple way to authenticate with the application's owner's own account, in a single step, using an access token that you can find on your application's administration page. How can I obtain a similar token for my Youtube application?

Thanks m.


  • Try OAuth 2.0 for installed application:

    First, register the API to get a client_id.

    Then, log into your google account, type the following URL, change the client_id with yours. redirect_uri should be set to "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".

    Then you authorize your own application and get an authorization code.

    Then open a terminal and type (change your code, client_id, and client_secret):

    curl -d "code=4/ux5gNj-_mIu4DOD_gNZdjX9EtOFf&"

    You will get response like:

    { "access_token" : "ya29.AHES6ZTtm7SuokEB-RGtbBty9IIlNiP9-eNMMQKtXdMP3sfjL1Fc", "token_type" : "Bearer", "expires_in" : 3600, "refresh_token" : "1/HKSmLFXzqP0leUihZp2xUt3-5wkU7Gmu2Os_eBnzw74" }

    Remember the refresh_token, and every time you run your application, you need to get a new access_token with the refresh_token.