I have a few int16 attributes of my core data entities, and I want to surveil them during the debugging
but I met some troubles.
First, I want to surveil attributes named "order" and "total", both of the type integer 16.
and here is my code for debugging.
NSArray *expenseTypes = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
NSLog(@"expenseTypes: %d",[expenseTypes count]);
i = 1;
for (ExpenseType *one in expenseTypes)
NSLog(@"..%d : %@ : %d",i++,[one name],[[one order] intValue]);
and the values printed out are supposed to be some very common and small non-negative integers like 0,1,2,3,etc.
but in the debugger it turn out to be like this:
forget about this strange names(those who between two colons), but the integers turn out to be very ridiculous ,
some of the numbers are just want I want, but others seems random,
and here is my code to set these integer16 attributes:
NSUInteger all;
all = (NSUInteger)[self.superTypeEntity total];
[newManagedObject setValue:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:all]
I think the problems is not about these code.
integer 16 attributes are NSNumber's instaces, so I use ("%d",[xx intValue])
is there something wrong with it?
I always have a difficult time surveilling some variables in XCode, especially some of core data, everytime I have to search for them in the place below and all the variables are displayed in formats of pointers, I can hardly check out whether a string, or a integer is what I want or not.
Sorry for my silly questions, since I am a green hand of IOS development,
But I am hoping someone come to help me!
Thanks more than a lot!
Hey I found the anwser by myself, in the code that set the value I miss an important method,
and it should be like this:
all = (NSUInteger)[[self.superTypeEntity total] **intValue**];
in this way the values printed out would be ok.