I want to allow the user to select a website from Preferences in my Android app. But when user choose a website from preferences list , imagebutton's image and its loadurl code must change.The image and loadurl should then remain the same even if the app closes.
now i ve preferences menu and values.but how can i change imagebutton's image and its url i dont know. thank you.
Just save the info to shared preferences, then use an if statement to load the shared preferences. as in
if (preferences == websiteOne){
//load shared preferences for websiteOne here
} else {
// load shared preferences for websiteTwo here
If you have more than two websites, you can set up a switch/case
switch (website){
case websiteOne:
// shared preferences for websiteOne
case websiteTwo:
// shared preferences for websiteTwo
Do that for all 10 websites
to set up a default sharedPreferences, in your onCreate() of an early activity, you can use
data = getSharedPreferences(filename, 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor e = data.edit();
e.putString("website", websiteVariable);
Do the same for the URL, and add these two variables SharedPreferences data;
and public static String filename = "fileName";