I am using a php script to upload lot of files. I am using the CURL command . The remote server accepts only POST requests. But when I execute the below script it processes the first request and waits until the first file is uploaded. Is there a way to make it non blocking and run simultaneous 2 curl upload requests .Find the code sample below.
$arr= array(somefile1.txt,somefile2.txt);
for ( $i=0;$i<2;$i++) {
$cmd = "curl -F name=aaa -F type=yyy FileName=@/xxxxx/xxxx/$arr[$i] http://someurl.com";
print "Executing file ";
shell_exec("nohup $cmd 2> /dev/null & echo $!" );
print "======= done ================";
There is a good article about "multithreading", take a look at it here: Multithreading in PHP with CURL