I have a PHP program that encrypts a PDF file into .xxx file this output is being read by a C# program that decrypts this .xxx file back into PDF file.
My problem is that when I open the file decrypted by C# , the PDF reader tells me that the file is corrupted .. when I encrypt plain text in PHP and decrypt on C# I got the file I encrypted .. so the problem is appearing only in PDF files or in other words it appears in BINARY files
any suggestions ?!
Here is encryption method that I use in PHP:
function encrypt($key, $iv, $text) {
ini_set ( 'memory_limit', '-1' );
$mcrypt_cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256;
$mcrypt_mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
$encrypted = rtrim ( mcrypt_encrypt ( $mcrypt_cipher, $key, $text, $mcrypt_mode, $iv ), "\0" );
$encrypted = base64_encode ( $encrypted );
return $encrypted;
And here is the decryption method in C#:
public static string DecryptString(string message, string KeyString, string IVString)
byte[] Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(KeyString);
byte[] IV = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(IVString);
string decrypted = null;
RijndaelManaged rj = new RijndaelManaged();
rj.BlockSize = 256;
rj.Key = Key;
rj.IV = IV;
rj.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
rj.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
//Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] messageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(message);
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, rj.CreateDecryptor(Key, IV), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
//byte[] messageBytes = enc.GetBytes(message);
cs.Write(messageBytes, 0, messageBytes.Length);
byte[] encoded = ms.ToArray();
decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(encoded);
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred:"+ e.Message);
return decrypted;
and here is how I call the decrypt in C# and how I write output:
string Key = cryptography.MD5("X-Ware" + cryptography.MD5("123"));
string IV = cryptography.MD5("XWare");
string decrypted = cryptography.DecryptString(contents, Key, IV);
string outputFilename = cryptography.MD5(OFD.FileName) + ".tmp";
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + outputFilename, false, Encoding.UTF8);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(sw.BaseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
I think the problem is that you treat the binary PDF data as text on both the PHP and the C# side.
decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(encoded);
makes no sense if encoded
represents binary data. You should probably skip this step and define your DecryptString()
as returning byte[]
. And then rename it too.
If you do want it as a string you might have better luck with ASCII or ANSI encoding:
decrypted = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(encoded);
but the error may already be happening on the PHP side, I can't tell.
Additional, I just noted:
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + outputFilename,
false, Encoding.UTF8);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(sw.BaseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
This is a very over-complicated way to create a BinaryWriter. The Encoding will not be used. And
This will write the string with a length-prefix, that certainly will make your PDF invalid.
When you keep the return of Decrypt as string
, use
File.WriteAllText("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + outputFilename, decrypted);
And when you return it as byte[]
(recommended), use
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + outputFilename, decrypted);