I have some text coming from server. It may be single line or multiline text. I have to display the text on UILabel, which is no problem for me. The problem is, I have to display UIButton on finding a particular substring of the same text. For example the text is Nitish\n435-234-6543\nIndia which is being displayed as follows :
So, when I find 435-234-6543 I have to display UIButton on 435-234-6543.
I tried different ways like OHAttributedLabel, rectForLetterAtIndex and this too. But not getting success. What my idea is, to create the button when substring is found and to set the frame of button based on NSRange of substring. Is this a possibility? How can it be done? Or is there some other way to do this?
I guess it is the approach I am worried about.
-->I have tried to calcluate position but didnt get success. Seems lots of work to calcualate position. One immediate solution come to my mind is why are you not taking one or two labels and one button.
Suppose. You got dynamic string from webservice is: "Nitesh-56789-Test".
Here you have to figue out frame of all labels and button using dynamic height width calculation by using sizeWithFont method.