We want am Like Box for the German MarioWiki, but there is no way to get it because no code works. Is there another way to get it into the Wiki? I see an Answer: "If it's a completely internal installation, you could enable raw html in the config file but this could be a big security risk if it is a public wiki.", but ohr Wiki is public so it's a security rsk.
There are several MediaWiki extensions that can be used to include a Facebook "like" button in your wiki:
FacebookLikeButton: Provides a <facelikebutton>
tag to add a simple "like" button to a page.
TwitterFBLike: Very similar, provides a {{#TwitterFBLike}}
parser function to add "tweet" and "like" buttons to a page.
SocialSideBar: Adds Twitter and Facebook buttons to the sidebar on every page.
AddThis: Very versatile extension that provides buttons for sharing an article on many different sites, both in the sidebar and/or on the page itself.