I have the following inputs (verified by NSLog): xleft = 128, xRight = 192
. The next line of code uses these-
xPos = (arc4random() % xRight-xleft) + xleft;
On the last run, xPos = 53. By my calculations, it should be no less than 128 if the random number produced is zero (192 - 128 = 64, rand(64) = 0, 0 + 128 = 128
. I am trying to generate random numbers in the range xLeft to xRight.
xPos = (arc4random() % (xRight-xleft)) + xleft;
Basically you're modding by xRIght and then subtracting xleft, instead of first subtracting xleft from xright and modding with the result.
Reference link: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Objective-C_2.0_Operator_Precedence