I want to define a protocol and create an easy, standard way to grab a 'default', shared implementation of said protocol - singleton style. Cocoa adhere's to the following pattern:
[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
but in both cases, they have @interfaces at the bottom of the object hierarchy. I'm struggling with how to do this using @protocols. I can obviously create a class that has empty or simple method implementations - but in reality, what I want is a @protocol at the bottom of the hierarchy. I've tried something like:
@protocol ConfigurationManager <NSObject>
@interface ConfigurationManagerFactory : NSObject
+ (id<ConfigurationManager>)sharedConfiguration;
// ...
id<ConfigurationManger> config = [ConfigurationManagerFactory sharedConfiguration];
[config ...];
and it works - but I'm always having to explain how to use this and why I did it this way. Is there a way to conform to Cocoa's syntax (calling convention) while still leveraging the value of @protocols?
As an aside, is there a reason why I wouldn't want to use @protocols like this? The implementing @interface can still leverage categories and alternate implementations, etc - just like how instantiating an NSString usually leaves you with a class extending NSString.
Here's an idea: create your protocol and a class with the same name with a factory method that returns you the default implementation of the protocol:
@protocol ConfigurationManager <NSObject> ...
@interface ConfigurationManager : NSObject <ConfigurationManager>
+(ConfigurationManager *) defaultConfigurationManager;
Other specialized implementations can then inherit from your base class.