I have problem to send my score data to the game center leaderboard on my iOS game. I use the cocos2d engine.
I followed the instruction on Apples checklist: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/LeaderBoards/LeaderBoards.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008304-CH6-SW14
I checked BundleIDs, set up the Leaderboards on iTunesConnect.
On the application startup I sign in the local player. So I can see on the top of the screen "Welcome back ..." and it also says that I'm in the Sandbox.
To send the score I use the best practice code from Apple. When I debug the code I can see that there is no error with sending the score data. I also checked several times the spelling of the Leaderboard ID.
When I open the game center app or I show the leaderboard view controller in my app, I don't see any scores at all. I also checked that I loged in with my Sandbox account.
Any suggestions?
It seems to be that the sandbox leaderboard server from Apple had have a problem. Without any changes on my code it worked one day later.