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Removing the actions tab from the GiftcardAccount admin grid

In the magento admin control panel,

Customers = > GiftCardAccounts

I want to remove the actions tab containing the select options which is located below the pagination section. To be clear, I just want to remove the section displaying, Select All | Unselect All | Select Visible | Unselect Visible | 0 items selected and Action list option from the Manage Gift Card Accounts grid. Please let me know how to do this exactly.


  • I found an easy way to do this, override the Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Block_Adminhtml_Giftcardaccount_Grid and just comment the method protected function _prepareMassaction().

    location : \app\code\local\Enterprise\GiftCardAccount\Block\Adminhtml\Giftcardaccount\Grid.php

    This Works like a CHAMP. :-D