Here's the deal:
-Flair pretty much demands a Facebook app
-I'm working on learning the Facebook platform
Therefore, I've written a dinky little Facebook app to embed your Flair into a box on the side of your profile. If you're interested and on Facebook; beware that this is very much a work in progress, prone to change and has a whole bunch of rough edges.
However, I don't have an elegant way to say "this is MY Stackoverflow profile" from this dinky app. My current solution is best demonstrated this image. It is, frankly, idiotic; and there's nothing preventing impersonation.
Having no experience with OpenID, I'm wondering if there's some way (and some example of this way, please) to get a user to provide their Stackoverflow identify to a third party?
There's no way to get a StackOverflow ID from OpenID and to do the opposite would be possible but unnecessarily complicated (compared to your suggested method). Copying and pasting the user ID/profile URL isn't terribly inconvenient, in my mind.
However, I can suggest some sort of solution to the issue of impersonation. This may seem like a slightly silly method, but it's the simplest way of which I can think to insure that only the user themself can display the badge. Again, I don't think it's too inconvenient. (The more traditional method of using an email confirmation isn't possible, given that emails aren't public.)
should do.Nice idea creating this Facebook app, by the way. I may just give it a try!