I could not find any document defining how YMM registers are handled by the caller and by the callee.
To focus my question, here is what I would like to know:
EDIT: Thanks to the answer below I was able to scavenge the answer in the mentioned doc for Win64. I am quite sure that Linux follows similar rules:
The YMM registers do not have callee-save status, except for the lower half
of YMM6-YMM15 in 64-bit Windows, where XMM6-XMM15 have callee-save status.
Possible future extensions of the vector registers to 512 bits or more will not have calleesave
The answer to both of your questions (assuming that you're talking about calling convention in C++) is in the great optimization guide by Agner Fog:
Calling conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems.
See section 6 (Register usage) on page 10. Also section 7.2 (Passing and returning SIMD types) on page 22 might be relevant.