I'm making many graphs which have same xlab. I wonder can we use xlab in theme like this:
theme_mine1 <- opts(
panel.grid.major = theme_blank()
, panel.grid.minor = theme_blank()
, panel.background = theme_blank()
, axis.line = theme_blank()
, xlab = expression(paste("My (xlab ", m^{-2}, ")"))
When I use this theme it doesn't give any error or warning but it does not change the xlab. What can I try next?
You can use opts(labels=list(x='xlabelhere'),...)
A note on how I found this out (because I didn't know it before, and think it's very useful):
There is a fantastic stackoverflow question on finding what can be fed in to opts
In summary it references the ggplot2 wiki for opts
It also says you can use plot_theme(p)
to see all options currently applied to plot p
In your case the ggplot2 opts
link didn't yield any results for the x label, but doing plot_theme(p)
on p
from your previous questions, one could see:
> names(plot_theme(p))
[1] "labels" "axis.line" "axis.text.x"
[4] "axis.text.y" "axis.ticks" "axis.title.x"
[7] "axis.title.y" "axis.ticks.length" "axis.ticks.margin"
[10] "legend.background" "legend.key" "legend.key.size"
[13] "legend.key.height" "legend.key.width" "legend.text"
[16] "legend.text.align" "legend.title" "legend.title.align"
[19] "legend.position" "legend.direction" "legend.box"
[22] "panel.background" "panel.border" "panel.grid.major"
[25] "panel.grid.minor" "panel.margin" "strip.background"
[28] "strip.text.x" "strip.text.y" "plot.background"
[31] "plot.title" "plot.margin"
For your purposes, labels
looks very promising!
So then I tried:
> plot_theme(p)$labels
[1] "x"
[1] "y/n"
Score! This gives me enough to go on:
theme_mine1 <- opts(
labels=list(x='my xlabel! booya!'))
Which works!