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How do I override, not hide, a member variable (field) in a C# subclass?

I want this to tell me the Name of both ItemA and ItemB. It should tell me "Subitem\nSubitem", but instead it tells me "Item\nSubitem". This is because the "Name" variable defined in the Subitem class is technically a different variable than the "Name" variable defined in the base Item class. I want to change the original variable to a new value. I don't understand why this isn't the easiest thing ever, considering virtual and override work perfectly with methods. I've been completely unable to find out how to actually override a variable.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        static Item ItemA = new Subitem();
        static Subitem ItemB = new Subitem();
    public class Item
        public string Name = "Item";
    public class Subitem : Item
        new public string Name = "Subitem";


  • You cannot override variables in C#, but you can override properties:

    public class Item
        public virtual string Name {get; protected set;}
    public class Subitem : Item
        public override string Name {get; protected set;}

    Another approach would be to change the value in the subclass, like this:

    public class Item
        public string Name = "Item";
    public class Subitem : Item
        public Subitem()
            Name = "Subitem";