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Free boundary conditions in MATHEMATICA - is this right? Second opinion

I'm trying to prescribe free boundary conditions for a non-linear evolution equation in mathematica and I wanted as second opinion on whether or not what I am doing is right.

The boundary conditions have been marked with a comment, viz., (FREE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS)

I'd also like to run this for pinned boundary conditions.

Clear[Eq5, Complete, h, S, G, E1, K1, D1, VR, M]
Eq5[h_, {S_, G_, E1_, K1_, D1_, VR_, M_}] := \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(t\)]h\) + 
    Div[-h^3 G Grad[h] + 
      h^3 S Grad[Laplacian[h]] + (VR E1^2 h^3)/(D1 (h + K1)^3)
        Grad[h] + M (h/(1 + h))^2 Grad[h]] + E1/(h + K1) == 0;
SetCoordinates[Cartesian[x, y, z]];
Complete[S_, G_, E1_, K1_, D1_, VR_, M_] := 
  Eq5[h[x, y, t], {S, G, E1, K1, D1, VR, M}];
TraditionalForm[Complete[S, G, E1, K1, D1, VR, M]]

  L = 185.62; TMax = 100; km = 0.0381; 
hSol = h /. NDSolve[{Complete[100, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 5], 


     Derivative[2, 0, 0][h][0, y, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[2, 0, 0][h][L, y, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[0, 2, 0][h][x, 0, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[0, 2, 0][h][x, L, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[3, 0, 0][h][0, y, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[3, 0, 0][h][L, y, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[0, 3, 0][h][x, 0, t] == 0, 
     Derivative[0, 3, 0][h][x, L, t] == 0, 


     h[x, y, 0] == 1 + (-0.05*Cos[2*Pi*(x/L)] - 0.05*Sin[2*Pi*(x/L)])*
    h, {x, 0, L}, {y, 0, L}, {t, 0, TMax}][[1]]
hGrid = InterpolatingFunction[hSol]; 
{TMin, TRup} = InterpolatingFunctionDomain[hSol][[3]]


  • The consensus achieved from reading the comments is that the implementation of free boundary conditions in the code above is correct.

    More detail should be available in books dealing with mechanics of materials or strength of materials in chapters referring to Bending moments and shear stress diagrams where very often free-free or free-fixed or fixed-fixed boundary conditions are used.