Is it possible to post a photo to the wall (and not to the album created for the application)? I thought about iterating through all of the user's albums and posting to the one called "Wall Photos", but wonder if there is a more elegant way?
You can use the FB.ui method from the Javascript SDK. If you provide the URL for the image as the link
and picture
parameter. This will create a wall post for the active user that has an image, a title, caption, description, etc. And the image and title will link to whatever URL you have provided.
method: 'feed',
name: 'Name Goes Here',
link: 'link to the image',
picture: 'link to the image',
caption: 'caption goes here',
description: 'description goes here',
properties: ''
function(response) {
//You can check the response variable to see if the post has been created