I am trying to understand how Mach-o files work, and have made a good deal of progress with the online resources available (In particular, the Apple page here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/developertools/conceptual/MachORuntime/Reference/reference.html), but I have hit a roadblock on understanding how symbol stubs work.
Using "otool -l" I see the following section:
sectname __symbolstub1
segname __TEXT
addr 0x00005fc0
size 0x00000040
offset 20416
align 2^2 (4)
reloff 0
nreloc 0
flags 0x80000408
However when I look at the data from the binary file in a hex editor I see the following 4 bytes repeated again and again:
00005FC0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FD0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FE0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FF0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
This looks something like a LDR which increases the PC by a fixed amount, but I don't see why the amount is the same for each entry in the symbol table.
If someone can shed light on why this is so, or provide any resources that get this low level, please let me know.
I will describe the situation with the current iOS, it's somewhat different in the old versions.
The symbol stubs indeed load into the PC a function pointer. For the standard "lazy" (on-demand) imports, the pointer resides in the __lazy_symbol
section and initially points to a helper routine in the __stub_helper
section, e.g.:
__symbolstub1 _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion
__symbolstub1 LDR PC, _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr
__symbolstub1 ; End of function _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion
__lazy_symbol _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr DCD _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$stubHelper
__stub_helper _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$stubHelper
__stub_helper LDR R12, =nnn ; symbol info offset in the lazy bind table
__stub_helper B dyld_stub_binding_helper
The function dyld_stub_binding_helper
is the fist one in the __stub_helper
section and essentially is just a trampoline to the dyld_stub_binder
function in dyld, passing to it what I call "symbol info offset" value. That value is an offset inside the lazy binding info stream (pointed to by the LC_DYLD_INFO or LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY load command), which is a sort of bytecode stream with commands for dyld. Typical sequence for a lazy import looks like this:
40: BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM(0x00, '_AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion')
here dyld would do the following:
The address written to happens to be the _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr
slot. So, the next time the _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion
is called, it will jump directly to the imported function, without going via dyld.
N.B.: you should not look at the offset 05fc0 in the file right away. The addr
field is the virtual address, you should look up the containing segment command and see at what VA it starts and what is its file offset, then do the math. Usually the __TEXT segment starts at 1000.
However, the actual symbol stubs do look like you pasted, probably you have a fat mach-o with the fat header taking the first 1000 bytes, so the offsets line up.