I'm using a custom OpenCV VideoProcessor-Class in my QtGui-Application. My MainWindow has 2 ViewerWidgets for displaying the Input and the Output frames produced by the VideoProcessor Object. The VideoProcessor-Object takes pointers on those ViewerWidgets for displaying the processed frames on these Widgets.
When I start the Application everything in the GUI-Window responds to user input. But when I start the Processing it stops responding. I can't even close the Window or select something from the Application Menu. The processing shows the correct output and keeps running but the Window doesn't respond any more.
This is the MainWindow's Slot that starts the processing:
void MainWindow::on_actionStart_Capture_triggered()
// Create instance
p = new VideoProcessor();
// Open video file
// Declare a window to display the video
p->displayInput("Current Frame");
p->displayOutput("Output Frame");
// Play the video at the original frame rate
// Set the frame processor callback function
// Start the process
p->run(cvWidgetIn, cvWidgetOut);
And this is the VideoProcessor. The File is from OpenCV Cookbook and I changed it to take pointers to my ViewerWidgets in the run() Function at the end of the code below.
#if !defined VPROCESSOR
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "cvwidget.h"
// The frame processor interface
class FrameProcessor {
// processing method
virtual void process(cv:: Mat &input, cv:: Mat &output)= 0;
class VideoProcessor {
// the OpenCV video capture object
cv::VideoCapture capture;
// the callback function to be called
// for the processing of each frame
void (*process)(cv::Mat&, cv::Mat&);
// the pointer to the class implementing
// the FrameProcessor interface
FrameProcessor *frameProcessor;
// a bool to determine if the
// process callback will be called
bool callIt;
// Input display window name
std::string windowNameInput;
// Output display window name
std::string windowNameOutput;
// delay between each frame processing
int delay;
// number of processed frames
long fnumber;
// stop at this frame number
long frameToStop;
// to stop the processing
bool stop;
// vector of image filename to be used as input
std::vector<std::string> images;
// image vector iterator
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itImg;
// the OpenCV video writer object
cv::VideoWriter writer;
// output filename
std::string outputFile;
// current index for output images
int currentIndex;
// number of digits in output image filename
int digits;
// extension of output images
std::string extension;
// to get the next frame
// could be: video file; camera; vector of images
bool readNextFrame(cv::Mat& frame) {
if (images.size()==0)
return capture.read(frame);
else {
if (itImg != images.end()) {
frame= cv::imread(*itImg);
return frame.data != 0;
// to write the output frame
// could be: video file or images
void writeNextFrame(cv::Mat& frame) {
if (extension.length()) { // then we write images
std::stringstream ss;
ss << outputFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(digits) << currentIndex++ << extension;
} else { // then write video file
// Constructor setting the default values
VideoProcessor() : callIt(false), delay(-1),
fnumber(0), stop(false), digits(0), frameToStop(-1),
process(0), frameProcessor(0) {}
// set the name of the video file
bool setInput(std::string filename) {
fnumber= 0;
// In case a resource was already
// associated with the VideoCapture instance
// Open the video file
return capture.open(filename);
// set the camera ID
bool setInput(int id) {
fnumber= 0;
// In case a resource was already
// associated with the VideoCapture instance
// Open the video file
return capture.open(id);
// set the vector of input images
bool setInput(const std::vector<std::string>& imgs) {
fnumber= 0;
// In case a resource was already
// associated with the VideoCapture instance
// the input will be this vector of images
images= imgs;
itImg= images.begin();
return true;
// set the output video file
// by default the same parameters than input video will be used
bool setOutput(const std::string &filename, int codec=0, double framerate=0.0, bool isColor=true) {
outputFile= filename;
if (framerate==0.0)
framerate= getFrameRate(); // same as input
char c[4];
// use same codec as input
if (codec==0) {
codec= getCodec(c);
// Open output video
return writer.open(outputFile, // filename
codec, // codec to be used
framerate, // frame rate of the video
getFrameSize(), // frame size
isColor); // color video?
// set the output as a series of image files
// extension must be ".jpg", ".bmp" ...
bool setOutput(const std::string &filename, // filename prefix
const std::string &ext, // image file extension
int numberOfDigits=3, // number of digits
int startIndex=0) { // start index
// number of digits must be positive
if (numberOfDigits<0)
return false;
// filenames and their common extension
outputFile= filename;
extension= ext;
// number of digits in the file numbering scheme
digits= numberOfDigits;
// start numbering at this index
currentIndex= startIndex;
return true;
// set the callback function that will be called for each frame
void setFrameProcessor(void (*frameProcessingCallback)(cv::Mat&, cv::Mat&)) {
// invalidate frame processor class instance
frameProcessor= 0;
// this is the frame processor function that will be called
process= frameProcessingCallback;
// set the instance of the class that implements the FrameProcessor interface
void setFrameProcessor(FrameProcessor* frameProcessorPtr) {
// invalidate callback function
process= 0;
// this is the frame processor instance that will be called
frameProcessor= frameProcessorPtr;
// stop streaming at this frame number
void stopAtFrameNo(long frame) {
frameToStop= frame;
// process callback to be called
void callProcess() {
callIt= true;
// do not call process callback
void dontCallProcess() {
callIt= false;
// to display the processed frames
void displayInput(std::string wn) {
windowNameInput= wn;
// to display the processed frames
void displayOutput(std::string wn) {
windowNameOutput= wn;
// do not display the processed frames
void dontDisplay() {
// set a delay between each frame
// 0 means wait at each frame
// negative means no delay
void setDelay(int d) {
delay= d;
// a count is kept of the processed frames
long getNumberOfProcessedFrames() {
return fnumber;
// return the size of the video frame
cv::Size getFrameSize() {
if (images.size()==0) {
// get size of from the capture device
int w= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH));
int h= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT));
return cv::Size(w,h);
} else { // if input is vector of images
cv::Mat tmp= cv::imread(images[0]);
if (!tmp.data) return cv::Size(0,0);
else return tmp.size();
// return the frame number of the next frame
long getFrameNumber() {
if (images.size()==0) {
// get info of from the capture device
long f= static_cast<long>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES));
return f;
} else { // if input is vector of images
return static_cast<long>(itImg-images.begin());
// return the position in ms
double getPositionMS() {
// undefined for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) return 0.0;
double t= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC);
return t;
// return the frame rate
double getFrameRate() {
// undefined for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) return 0;
double r= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
return r;
// return the number of frames in video
long getTotalFrameCount() {
// for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) return images.size();
long t= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
return t;
// get the codec of input video
int getCodec(char codec[4]) {
// undefined for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) return -1;
union {
int value;
char code[4]; } returned;
returned.value= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC));
codec[0]= returned.code[0];
codec[1]= returned.code[1];
codec[2]= returned.code[2];
codec[3]= returned.code[3];
return returned.value;
// go to this frame number
bool setFrameNumber(long pos) {
// for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) {
// move to position in vector
itImg= images.begin() + pos;
// is it a valid position?
if (pos < images.size())
return true;
return false;
} else { // if input is a capture device
return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos);
// go to this position
bool setPositionMS(double pos) {
// not defined in vector of images
if (images.size()!=0)
return false;
return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, pos);
// go to this position expressed in fraction of total film length
bool setRelativePosition(double pos) {
// for vector of images
if (images.size()!=0) {
// move to position in vector
long posI= static_cast<long>(pos*images.size()+0.5);
itImg= images.begin() + posI;
// is it a valid position?
if (posI < images.size())
return true;
return false;
} else { // if input is a capture device
return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, pos);
// Stop the processing
void stopIt() {
stop= true;
// Is the process stopped?
bool isStopped() {
return stop;
// Is a capture device opened?
bool isOpened() {
return capture.isOpened() || !images.empty();
// to grab (and process) the frames of the sequence
void run(CVWidget *inputWidget, CVWidget *outputWidget) {
// current frame
cv::Mat frame;
// output frame
cv::Mat output;
// if no capture device has been set
if (!isOpened())
stop= false;
while (!isStopped()) {
// read next frame if any
if (!readNextFrame(frame))
// display input frame
if (windowNameInput.length()!=0)
// cv::imshow(windowNameInput,frame);
// calling the process function or method
if (callIt) {
// process the frame
if (process)
process(frame, output);
else if (frameProcessor)
// increment frame number
} else {
output= frame;
// write output sequence
if (outputFile.length()!=0)
// display output frame
if (windowNameOutput.length()!=0)
// introduce a delay
if (delay>=0 && cv::waitKey(delay)>=0)
// check if we should stop
if (frameToStop>=0 && getFrameNumber()==frameToStop)
Although I couldn't find out what the specific reason for my problem has been, I finally found a solution that works for me:
As you suggested I got rid of this VideoProcessor-Utility class and implemented the Processing-Loop for processing frame-Sequences inside the MainWindow by using QTimer for delaying between each frame.
Instead of the VideoProcessor-Class I made "ProcessorWidget". This GUI-Widget provides all the Input Controls for parameterizing each Processor-Function that I have implemented so far.
All the OpenCV code is now in the ProcessorWidget class and it has a public slot cv::Mat process(cv::Mat input) which just takes the Input Frame and then it parses all the User-Input-Parameters from the GUI and handles the choice of the right processor and parameters internally.
The MainWindow now constructs the ViewerWidgets and the ProcessorWidget and owns the Control and Timing.
Processing and Displaying a frame is now just:
And if I want to add more OpenCV Features I don't have to change my MainWindow or GUI. It's all done in the ProcessorWidget-Class.