i'm checking this link: http://www.vogella.de/articles/AndroidCloudToDeviceMessaging/article.html
It says that in order tu ouse C2DM, you need to ask for access, because it is a beta software. Here is the link to the signup form: http://code.google.com/android/c2dm/signup.html
OK, but.... wich account must ask for acces? the googleacount used in the server side? or all the millions of googleaccounts used on the millions of android phones that will receive notifications from the server?
You can use your account which you use to deploy your app to android market. Use that email and register for C2DM. Once you register, and set up C2DM on the phone, the phone will get the registration id from google. The pre-requisites are that the phone should have a google account associated with it, and it should have android market installed. Also c2dm is supported only from 2.2 onwards.