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AuthSub target path prefix does not match the provided "next" URL

Here is my call: AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl(next, scope, secure, session), where next = ""; scope = ""; secure = true; session = true;

My registered AuthSub target path prefix is So, the problem is whenever i use https for next URL i am getting to "AuthSub target path prefix does not match the provided "next" URL" page. But it works well with http. My application uses both http and https, how can I work around this? As I cannot register my domain with both http and https. I have tried to change the target prefix to It works for both now, but one thing I don't like now is whenever a user uses http after google's "Access Consent" page it is redirected to https... What I want is the users to stay at http if they were using http and vice versa. Can someone help me?


  • I solved the problem as follows: First, I set the target path URL to https: Second, before calling AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl() i changed the next parameters value to start with https:// event though the request is coming from http Third, in order to redirect to the right protocol whether to http or https after Google Consent Page, i use the value i set in the cookie for protocol.

    That's it.