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HTML5 Boilerplate ignoring folders via file.exclude

Hi guys I've just got my build script set up with HTML5 Boilerplate.

There are several files / folders in the root of my site that I don't want to be copied over to the publish folder. I have set file.exclude in as follows:

file.exclude = .settings, .buildpath, .project, tests, php_errors.log

This is working for the files in the list (.buildpath, .project, php_errors.log), but not the folders (.settings and tests).

Can someone tell me how to prevent these folders getting copied over to my publish folder?



  • For example, to ignore the scss and .sass-cache folders on build:

    file.exclude = **/.sass-cache/**, **/scss/**

    H5BP ignores a couple of folders by default, such as .git and .svn, and you can see how they do it here: